Attack movements with specific shooting on LB & RB positions Start of the practice Extended 2 Extended 3…
Side Shooting Combo Drill Description: Seitenwurf-Kombination Ziel:Offensive und defensive Fähigkeiten durch eine Reihe von Wurf- und Verteidigungsszenarien üben….
4 vs. 3 Transitions and Decision-Making Training Example: 3 Teams: Yellow, Red, Green On one side of the…
4 vs. 3 Transitions and Decision-Making Training Example: 3 Teams: Yellow, Red, Green On one side of the…
3 Against 2 Side Attacking In this practice, we focus on 3 vs 2 decision-making for the back…
Fast Center Transition 3 vs 2 In this practice, we focus on fast center transitions and the decision-making…
Decision Training: 2 vs 1 Defender In our program, we focus on developing decision-making skills through a 2…
Side Shooting Combo Drill Description: Seitenwurf-Kombination Ziel:Offensive und defensive Fähigkeiten durch eine Reihe von Wurf- und Verteidigungsszenarien üben….
Counter Attack: Double Passing Organization: Process: Adjustment: Konterangriff: Doppelpass Organisation: Prozess: Anpassung: Contre-Attaque : Double Passe Organisation :…
Kempa from the Outside Position: An Effective Play Kempa tricks are particularly common in high-level handball. They pose…